Arms out, the summer is coming! Or was all thathard work in the gym for nothing? Show your biceps and triceps and you will getthe attention that you deserve. The sleevelesstank top, made of cotton, is the ideal top. Thistop originated from the classic undershirt in which your grandpa felt mostcomfortable in his days. The term was used in the middle of the 19thcentury for a special swim top. Meanwhile, tank tops have considerably gained instyle, which has also increased the social acceptance considerably. Nowadaysthey are an indispensable part of fashion. It doesn't matter if you are lookingfor a top for everyday life in summer, or if the club is your second home atnight – tank tops go anytime, anywhere. They offer an airy and sportyalternative to the t-shirt for both men and women. Orthey are used, like in grandma's time, as a warm layer underneath along-sleeved top, no matter whether this is a long sleeve, cardigan or shirt !
You get the freedom that you hope for in a tank top: combined with jeans , casual trousers or, for women, maybe with a simple skirt you cannot go wrong in terms ofstyle. Not only your arms will feel free, you nowadays also have a lot offreedom when combining the top. Thedifferent cuts are as versatile as the prints and colours. Further, even the armholes contribute to style. They canvary in size and variety. This is a matter of taste about which only you candecide. Do you want maximum comfort? Take a top with giant armholes that reachto the ribs. But also for more subtle tastes there are many differentpossibilities. The same thing applies to necklines. Whether round neck or V-neck , everything is available. Take a look at Nikita for example!Thechoice is yours: the hipster version with a generous armhole, scoop neck and a longer cut , or the less open-heartedalternative with a normal length. Ultimately, you decide how much skin you showand in which direction you go in terms of fashion!
The sleeves are missing, but the style is not! That'swhy these shirts are available with the most beautiful patterns and prints, the boldest colours and freaky buttons, rivets and pockets . The best examples: thelarge ranges by Vans and Volcom . You can indulge in the colourfulselection of tank tops at BlueTomato. Show yourself and your arms offthis summer!