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Bones Wheels 81A Hardcore Soft Skateboard bøsninger incl. Washer
Bones Wheels 81A Hardcore Soft Skateboard bøsninger incl. Washer
Bones Wheels 81A Hardcore Soft Skateboard bøsninger incl. Washer

Bones Wheels 81A Hardcore Soft Skateboard bøsninger incl. Washer

kr 120,-
inkl. Moms 
Farve: white
Størrelse: UNI





Produkt detaljer


  • 433028
  • Udstyr

    • Bushings


    • Mænd
    • Kvinder
    • Børn

    Produkt beskrivelse

    The ones with the hard core and the soft shell 

    The Hardcore 81A Soft Bushings offer extended durability and allow for maximum steering ability.

    The HardCore bushings from Bones have one advantage compared to other steering rubbers: a hard core.
    And that is exactly what turns the bushings into a revolutionary product. Normal bushings work on the single action principle. However, the hard core in the Bones HardCore prevents the steering rubber from pushing too much towards the opposite direction. The result is an increase in the resistance of the bushings and their rebound, allowing for tighter, faster turns.

    • Patented Double Action bushing
    • Chemically bonded core insert
    • High rebound urethane
    • No break-in period
    • Highly responsive turns
    • Increased truck performance

    Mere information

    Skateboard farve disclaimer

    De reelle farver kan afvige fra produktbillederne.

    Nogle skateboard deck har andre farver end hvad der er vist.

    Om Bones Wheels

    Du tænker måske at et hjul er et hjul. Men når det kommer til skateboarding, så er det langt fra sandheden. Bones Wheels har gjort det til deres fineste opgave at give skatere holdbare hjul af højeste kvalitet. Hele deres produktion finder sted lokalt i Californien og er det primære valg for både professionelle og begyndere.