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Lib Tech Quad Fin Set
Lib Tech Quad Fin Set
Lib Tech Quad Fin Set
Lib Tech Quad Fin Set
Lib Tech Quad Fin Set

Lib Tech Quad Fin Set

€ 99,95€ 79,95
z DDV 
-20 %
Barva: blue





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Št. Izdelka

  • 591592
  • Spol

    • Moški
    • Ženske
    • Otroci


    • Reciklirani materiali
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    Opis izdelka

    Lib Tech Quad Fin Set

    The Lib Tech Quad Fin Set offers fast, down the line projection, acceleration in all conditions and amazing hold and drive in larger waves and barrels. Lib RIPP’s fin sets feature a lightweight Hexzylon Fiberfoam core, a reinforced carbon fiber biaxial base, and tensioned carbon fiber torsion rods on the tips for lively rebound response. These fins have over 5/8” adjustability fore and aft in the Freedom of Choice Fin Box to fine-tune your surfboard’s personality.

    Up-cycled RIPPS fins
    Since Every surfboard in the world is basically an oval shape cut out of rectangular fabrics, Lib Tech is saving the unused corners of their surfboard fabrics and createfins out of them. Lib Tech's High-performance up-cycled RIPPS fins are designed to fit LIB FOCII boxes only.

    • lightweight Hexzylon Fiberfoam core
    • reinforced carbon fiber biaxial base
    • carbon fiber torsion rods
    • Lead fins: 4.58” height / 4.44” base
    • Trailer fins double foiled, 3.9” height /3.88” base
    • fit LIB FOCII boxes only!

    O znamki Lib Tech

    Lib Tech že približno 30+ let premika meje inovacij v industriji deskanja na snegu in surfanja. Ker je njihova proizvodnja še vedno v ZDA, so si zadali narediti nekaj drugačnega. Vsako leto Lib Tech z novimi oblikami in tehnologijami želi poskrbeti za nasmeh na obrazih uporabnikov njihovih izdelkov. Podjetje, ki se nikoli ne neha spreminjati, je nekaj, kar zelo občudujemo, in s tem, ko ob tem pazijo še na okolje, od nas vsak dan v tednu dobijo lajk.